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What stage you are at?

Your financial goals, needs, and aspirations are primarily determined by what stage you are at in your life. Whether you are just starting out, at the peak, preparing to retire, or retired, we believe that planning is essential at every stage of your life.
The following are some of the most common aspects of each stage.

Be Life Confident

At AIFP, we strongly believe that financial security is indeed crucial for enjoying life and having peace of mind. It gives you the confidence and freedom to pursue your goals and aspirations without the constant stress and anxiety of financial instability.
What We Do

Our Services


Home Loan, Business Loan, Construction Loan, Refinance, Debt Consolidation, etc.


Health, Life, Income/Mortgage Protection, Trauma, Total and Permanent Disability, etc.

Cashflow Management

Creating a budget, tracking income and expenses, saving for emergencies and future goals and reducing debt.


The goal of investing is to grow one's wealth over time and different investments come with varying degrees of risk and potential return.


KiwiSaver funds are invested in a range of assets such as shares and bonds, members can choose the level of risk they are comfortable with.


People may choose to retire earlier, either by accessing their savings or by relying on other sources of retirement income.

What is Financial Advice?

Financial advice is guidance or recommendations provided by a professional financial adviser on how to manage your money, investments and other financial assets to achieve your financial goals.

How to choose a Financial Adviser?

A good financial adviser is someone who can provide comprehensive, impartial and personalised financial advice that is in alignment with your circumstance and financial goals.

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